Luger, Bergmann, White-Merrill, Knoble, Colt, Savage, and others entered the race. You could even get combo guns with both rifle AND shotgun barrels. The right side of the barrel is marked “High Pressure Steel - Proof Tested”. Using the more standard 40-grain ammunition from Remington, in either jacketed hollow point or soft nose configurations, you can expect around 1900 fps and 340 ft/lbs at the. Serial # E348826 & M719971V Gun one is a Remington 1100 semi-automatic 12 gauge 2- 3/4" chamber, choked skeet. Easily share your publications and get them in front of issuu s. They install in minutes, come with a no slip Fore end, recoil pad and require no gunsmithing.

00: Savage - 11FYCXP3 243 WIN Youth Rifle Package. Boyds Pro Varmint Nutmeg Stock Savage AXIS Short Action Tapered Barrel Rifle. Hello, selling my savage model 30e 12 gauge shotgun, works perfectly, great for hunting, takes 2-3/4 shells, contact me if interested local sale only, thank you. See photos and more auction details on AuctionZip. This is a used Savage model 170 pump action rifle in 30/30 caliber. It was the first successful semi-automatic shotgun design, and remained in production until 1998. These were simply regular shotguns that had factory installed Polly Choke for the "P", or Savage Accura Choke for the "AC". This gun is in overall fine condition showing the majority of its original finish, fine bore,action, markings and wood stocks 3" chamber. Rifle Basix SAV-1, Savage Trigger (Centerfire) $89. Savage Arms 1917 32 ACP 8 Round Gun Magazine.

Shotguns - Hunting, Tactical and Competition. It is in unbelievable condition-must have been kept in the cabinet most of the time.

A venerable collector’s piece, the Savage 99 was discontinued in 1997 after almost a century of near-continuous use, but gun enthusiasts can usually find one online between $750 and $1,550. Stevens 320 Security, Pump Action, 20 Gauge, 18. HD Savage Model 99 Picatinny Rail 0 MOA (Factory Drilled and Tapped Models Only) SKU:80350 From. 83 Savage Model 1899 Model 99 Example Walnut For end: Savage Model 1899 Model 99 Example Walnut Stock: Savage Model 1899 Model 99 Example Walnut For end: Savage Model 24 Example Walnut Stock.