To keep loan payments from fluctuating due to interest, institutions use loan amortization.Īmortization takes into account the total amount you'll owe when all interest has been calculated, then creates a standard monthly payment. Basically, the less principal you still owe, the smaller your interest is going to end up being. The amount of interest you pay on the borrowed money, or principal, changes as you pay back the money. When you get a loan from a bank or a private financial institution, you have to pay interest back on the money you borrow. You can also take advantage of amortization to save money and pay off your loan faster.

Loan amortization doesn't just standardize your payments. Your loan may have a fixed time period and a specific interest rate, but that doesn't mean you're locked into making the same payment every month for decades. How to Accelerate Repayment with Loan Amortization